Greater Surbiton

The perfect is the enemy of the good

Student protester hit by policeman suffers brain damage – Daily Mail readers respond

The Daily Mail reports:

‘A student was rushed to hospital for emergency brain surgery after he was allegedly hit with a police truncheon during last night’s tuition fees protest.

Alfie Meadows, 20, developed bleeding on his brain when he was hit as he tried leave the ‘kettling’ area outside Westminster Abbey, his mother said.

The Middlesex University student fell unconscious on the way to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where he underwent a three-hour operation to save his life.

He was one of 44 people, including six police officers, treated in hospital after London’s most violent night of student rioting over fees.’

The following are a selection of its readers’ responses:

‘”Allegedly hit by a police truncheon”.

So, there’s no proof it was a police officer who hit him. It is just as likely it was one of his fellow thugs wielding a sign or piece of metal fencing who hit him.

Did he not see what had happened at the previous riots, sorry “protests” in London? Did he expect the police to just back off and let him and his fellow yobs take control of the streets?

Well done to the Met – you took a battering and responded with considerable restraint and professionalism. I strongly believe you will have the support of the vast majority of this country if you respond with vastly more force next time, and I sincerely hope you do.

– martin, Brighton, 11/12/2010 13:10’

‘If he hadn’t been there it would not have happened. And what was his mother doing at the protest? I thought this was a protest by students not students parents.

– John, Keighley,UK, 11/12/2010 13:06’

‘Hopefully this foolish waste of space child or his parents will have to foot the bill for the cost of treating him. As a tax payer, I begrudge paying towards the cost of treating idiots.

– Robbie G, Westminster, 11/12/2010 12:47’

‘And here lies the problem. Idealistic young pups who think they know it all. For the most part I blame thier parents and thier university, marxist lecturers for filing these kids heads with propaganda. These students need to look at the motives of those who are pushing thier buttons and controling thier minds.

– Max, London, 11/12/2010 12:28’

‘These protestors get exactly what they deserve and once again the police get all the blame.
The police should be allowed to use tear gas, truncheons and rubber bullets against these so-called university hooligans. They shouldn’t get a penny towards their education from the tax-payer.

– Mags, Ipswich, England, 11/12/2010 11:33’

‘I do not care what happened to this student. The police should be using water-cannons & tear gas on these idiots as they’ve clearly been infiltrated by left-wing trouble makers & anarchist groups. As for the ones who insulted the dead by desecrating Churchills statue & the cenotaph, they should be shot on sight.

– Draco got it right., Ryde, IOW., 11/12/2010 10:52’

‘These students are a joke. When they don’t get their own way it’s the fault of the police, the govt…but not themselves! In WWi & WW2 young English men rallied to the call of the nation and many made the ultimate sacrifice. Unfortunately, this current ‘mob’ would only rally to the call of free beer and drugs, as for sacrifice they do not even know the meaning of the word. They are a disgrace and it is the students who should be cleaning up London, not the taxpayers…again. The money spent containing these protests, cleaning up after them, prosecuting the thugs, is all money that could have gone to lowering tuition fees – the irony is apparently lost on these dullards!

– Bob Dalton, Willington, England, 11/12/2010 10:41′

‘”Alfie’s mother, Susan Meadows, 55, an English literature lecturer”
“Alfie’s father, Matthew Meadows, 62, a writer and artist”
“Mr Meadows, who is studying philosophy”

This tells me everything I need to know.

I have no sympathy whatsoever for “Poor Alfie” – no any other paracites vandalising my country.

– George Brown, Romford, Essex, 11/12/2010 10:07’

‘would you please show myself and others the evidence that you have that he was struck by a police baton? until then it could have been an object thrown by the hooligan element that was there .

– john, dyfed, 11/12/2010 10:04’

And so on and so on.

But the winner is:

‘Wonder if those despicable and evil thugs would have attacked Police Officers, in such a disgusting way as they did to ours, in countries such as Iran and Saudia Arabia? NO, they know better than that. They would have had their hands chopped off, or treated in some other barbaric way. They were nothing but cowards to hide their faces, and I believe a majority of those were not even students – more like the illegal immigrants which Labour let slip away in this country!

– Therese, Cardiff, Wales, 11/12/2010 13:00’

Welcome to Britain.

Saturday, 11 December 2010 - Posted by | Britain | , , , , ,


  1. […] the latest protest we have the sad case of Alfie Meadows who almost died and had to undergo intensive brain surgery after he was hit on the head by another […]

    Pingback by Disabled victim of Police attack takes BBC News presenter to task « Dark Politics | Monday, 13 December 2010

  2. […] of him throwing things at the police are remote. The other being Alfie Meadows being given a brain injury by the police Bookmark It Hide Sites $$('div.d756').each( function(e) { […]

    Pingback by Scoville Units Unite » Blog Archive » The Police Are Lying Again | Tuesday, 14 December 2010

  3. […] 2: Marko has more on the student that was attacked by the police and the Daily […]

    Pingback by Four Policeman And A Wheelchair. | ModernityBlog | Wednesday, 15 December 2010

  4. […] Also check out Marko’s report on a recent demo, and watch in disgust as he lifts the Daily Mail rock. […]

    Pingback by Against Wilful Stupidity « Max Dunbar | Tuesday, 21 December 2010

  5. […] Also check out Marko’s report on a recent demo, and watch in disgust as he lifts the Daily Mail rock. […]

    Pingback by Against Wilful Stupidity « Shiraz Socialist | Tuesday, 21 December 2010

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